regenerative living course

Educational Retreat

Continuing Education Course for Yoga Teachers

Permaculture Certification


Date: June 18th–25th Sunday to Sunday


This course is for anyone wanting to deepen their knowledge in yoga, permaculture and regenerative living. It is appropriate for beginners in either disciplines or for the seasoned practitioners. We welcome all walks of life, including families, yogis, spiritual seekers, earth lovers and adventurers. Come spend a week with us in paradise!

Through Yoga, Permaculture & Regenerative Living. 
School Institute Yoga, Mystical Womyn & Regenerate Your Reality. 
Location: Villa los Aires & Regenerate Your Reality Project
Near Tinamaste, in Pacific Mountain in Costa Rica, 45 Mins from Uvita 
Starting at $1,350


Villa Los Aires - Lodging, Meals and Yoga

Organic, locally grown meals lovingly prepared.

Waterfall a 10minute walk from both Villa and Permaculture Farm - Surrounded by natural Jungle in a harmonious ecosystem!


Regenerative Living

Caring for Self
Caring for Community  (others)
Caring for Earth


Lush Jungle surrounding Retreat space

Pacific Ocean on the coast of Costa Rica

Regenerative living is rebirthing that is continuously evolving and transforming from one moment to the next in harmony with our environment, our community and our inner soul journey.  Within the concept itself, lies deep spiritual teachings that reverberate harmony and sustainability are at the very core principles of what human beings are being faced with in our present day life. Within this course, participants will be immersed in the experience of continuously rebirthing their existence in the ideology or physiology of regenerative or sustainable way of living. In order for one to achieve this, we can delve into three realms of our life: that of our physical body “Self Care”, our community “Community Care”, and our planet “Earth Care.” It is within experiencing harmony within each of these that one can fully embrace and embody the way of regenerative living.

Our being is always looking for a way to return back to harmony, though there are many levels of living in this optimum state of health that need to be called upon. 

The universal concepts and topics covered: daily guided yoga and meditation, energetic anatomy, indigenous medicine wheel, soul creativity, elements, land stewardship, permaculture flower, seed preserving, chocolate making, regenerative/ thriving ecosystems. The knowledge you learn, you will be able to bring back to your own community and self practice, embodying enhancement at every level.


Caring for Self - the actualized/Divine Self

  • Pathless Yoga (Yoga for everyone)

  • ChiGong/Taichi/Art of movement 

  • Meditation 

  • Breath Work

  • Chakra (energetic toning)

  • Medicine Wheels (seven insights/wisdom keepers)

  • Voice Activation 

  • Plant Medicine/making (cacao and other plants)

  • Mud Bath 

  • Water Initiation Therapy

  • Meditation Waterfall Walk  

Care for Community/others (in Harmony)

  • Ceremony (opening, closing, fire) 

  • Mystic Tea Time 

  • Sound Harmonizing/Healing 

  • Kirtan - Love for Devotional Music

Care for the Mama Earth

  • Permaculture concepts and practices

  • Sustainable and Regenerative living locally and globally 

The course emphasizes the three main components of living harmoniously:  Our body, our community and the Earth at large.  We will explore the dynamics of how they continuously interconnect and work for one another on the Spiritual, Yogic and Regenerative path. 



“Brother V”, E-RYT 500, Ph.D, MPH

I am Brother V, a brother of my cherished humanity and all cosmic relations. What I will bring to the course is my passion and calling  to serve, give and love with knownable unknown, the wisdom and light that have bestowed upon me in all dimensional existence. I have been serving people just like you in the last 30 years, who are the seekers of Yoga, Spirituality, Self-actualization, Enlightenment, Regenerative Living, Earth Stewardship, Mental/emotional Resilience and Ultimate Health. I am a father of two little children, avid Yoga and Chigong practitioner, Earth Medicine Shaman, Mystic, and University professor. It is such an honor and privilege to shed the light upon all my brothers and sisters.

Gabrielle Marie Luo, MA in Creativity, MA in Art, E-RYT 500, EPYT

Gabrielle dances in the impulse to create and believes it is the way we can see the ripples of our unique vibration. Her love of the earth and living life within the rhythms of nature is woven into her spiritual practice as well as within what she births into this world.  She is a dedicated mother, yogini, artist, earth medicine keeper, nutritionist and steward of the earth she walks upon.  

She has developed and teaches an array of transformational courses in the realm of health, yoga, spirituality, creativity, art, and regenerative living under her business, Mystical Womyn.  She is the co-founder of Mystical Yoga Farm, a spiritual retreat center on Lake Atitlan, Guatemala where the focus combined permaculture and spiritual community living.  

In our home, I take pride in my role as a homemaker and truly enjoy raising a family with my partner, Vedantin. Together we spin the golden thread to clothe our children in nothing but love.  

Jean Pullen, is a multi-talented artist, yogi, gardener, cook, musician, best-selling author, and entrepreneur. Jean is the co-founder of Regenerate Your Reality,  partner at Jungle Project and a Soil Advocate for Kiss the Ground. In her travels to Europe, Mexico, and Central America over the past seven years, Jean has had the opportunity to co-create, volunteer and visit various permaculture projects. Jean loves teaching weekly community yoga for her neighborhood. Before redesigning her reality, Jean worked in corporate finance. (Certified Yoga Alliance Teacher E-RYT 200, BBA).

Alan Cacao lives for his love of nature and has had the opportunity to learn from different tribes and cultures and communities through his life. He leads agriculture and permaculture  consulting, design, and management at Regenerate Your Reality. Alan originally studied to become a civil engineer in his home country of Mexico, then was introduced to permaculture in one of the largest projects in Central America, Las Cañadas, where he spent two years as a volunteer. Later, he began a 10-year journey through Central and South America, during which time he continued collaborating with diverse projects ( Punta Mona, Essence Arenal etc.) and various indigenous groups.

Regenerate Your Reality is a permaculture, agroforestry, and education project working to bring sovereignty and happiness to our communities. ⁣It is our mission to restore the relationship between humans and the earth in order to build a regenerative present.


The location is in the midst of the jungle at an elevation of 500 meters.  The temperature ranges from 75 to 85 degrees F.  In June, it is the beginning of the rainy season.  It usually rains in the afternoon/evenings during this month. Bring waterproof boots, hiking sandals, a light rain jacket, layers in clothing, a swim suit, sun protection, sun glasses and a hat.

Please bring a journal, instrument or songs to share, and a sense of adventure!