
Realize your truth. Raise your vibration. Arrive into your power.

Welcome to the mystical land of Guatemala! Home to volcanoes, rainforests, and ancient Mayan history. Join us at Lake Atitlan located in a spectacular crater created from a collapsed volcano during the Chocoyos Eruption!

This body of water is known to be the most beautiful lake in the world! Surrounded by forests and volcanic views, drop into a deeper level of consciousness in this high vibrational area of the world. Experience the majestic energy of this unique landscape as you practice yoga, disconnect from the outside world and recreate your inner world.

The Mystical Yoga Farm, located near Santiago Atitlan, is unlike any other location we offer. Truly disconnected from the outside world, step into this self-sustainable permaculture farm and learn what it’s like to be one with nature as you connect to the land. The farm is an off-grid spiritual sanctuary focused on healing, transformation, and empowerment! Join us in this unique setting while you gain the knowledge to become a world-recognized Yoga Alliance certified yoga teacher!

 This Mystical Yoga Teacher Training curriculum is influenced by Peruvian Shamanism, providing students with a unique and spiritually driven course that goes beyond just a certification. Called by the energy of Lake Atitlan, the volcanoes and mountains, spirits, and each other, we invite you to come to evolve on your spiritual and yogic path.

 As an organization, we are very selective about the locations where we choose to host our teacher training programs. We believe that the environment in which you learn has the potential to enhance your overall experience. It’s important to be mindful of the impact we have on the places we visit. With that in mind, we always make an effort to collaborate with eco-friendly retreat centers that recognize and prioritize sustainability.

In Guatemala, we have partnered with a sustainable center that works hand in hand with the land. Protecting and preserving our one precious planet.