circle of sacred womyn



Gabrielle Marie Luo PhD Candidate, E-RYT 500, EPYT
MA in Human Creativity
MA in Art, Painting
BS in Human Nutrition

I dance in the impulse to create, allowing and trusting this to guide the rhythms and silence in life. Within the reflection of each painting, weaving, dream, song, there lies the dialogue with my soul.

Creativity invites us into our inner divine light.  It is the way we can see the ripples of our unique vibration. Creativity is the very fabric of our being, the same golden thread that spins from our hearts and clothing our children in love. 

I am a mother to two beautiful souls, Munai and Manny.  They bring an immense amount of inner joy and fulfill so much of why I am here. I am grateful they have chosen me to be their mother.

I am a yogini who combines my yoga practice with creative expression.  Yoga has become a way for me to let go of the creativity within myself, therefore unifying myself with it.  During my pregnancies, yoga invited me to be with the seed space of creation, and a place of true magic was witnessed.  After meeting Mara in 2016 at Lake Atitlan, Guatemala, we co-created Mystical Mama Yoga, offering Prenatal Yoga Teacher Trainings where we focus on the spiritual and transformational journey of pregnancy.  After working with many women during their pregnancies, I saw a deep need to nourish the women who gave birth in many other forms, including other pivotal transformative times in life.  Mystical Womyn has become an umbrella from where Mystical Mama began and honors all sacred transitions in life focusing on the creative and transformative power of the womb. 

I have been an artist my whole life, and marvel at the creative process. After completing my masters degree in Creativity, Introspective Course in Creativity was birthed in 2020 and has served as a foundation from which I mentor students on how to access their inner creativity and soul expression within the world.  

In our home, I take pride in my role as a homemaker and truly enjoy raising a family with my partner, Vedantin, together we spin the golden thread to cloth our children in nothing but love.



I am a torch bearer for all things sacred in my life, and I’m here to help usher in a new way of being. Like the archer with her bow, we must keep the long range vision with clarity so that our arrows are met with precision. It takes every day acts of integrity to hold the privilege of encountering our wisest selves.

I am a Mother, story teller, keeper of simple and sacred birth, yoga teacher, nutritionist, lover of plants, mover, medicine maker, gatherer of women and Priestess . Deeply embodying the sacred feminine, I spend most of my time nurturing a loving home, preparing nutritious and fresh meals, knitting, letting my gardens grow wild, homeschooling and living instinctually in nature with my husband and 4 children, ages 13, 8, 5 and 2. As a family of 6, we live on a beautiful piece of land in Saint Margaret’s Bay, Nova Scotia, where we share our little homestead with two dogs, two cats, goats, chickens, turkeys and ducks.

A dedicated movement practice initiated for me at the age of 10 when I began studying martial arts, in the form of Tae Kwon do. I loved the discipline and functional form movement paired with ancient eastern spirituality. The devotion to my art and having a teacher to guide me were formative in the most positive of ways. I soon began teaching to younger students and achieved my 2nd degree black belt, after many hours of study and training.

I left my home town to study and missed my Tae Kwon do community. To fulfill my need for practice, I began to develop a love for the gym and became a fitness instructor and personal trainer. This evolved to finding and falling in love with Yoga, which was close to my martial arts roots in physicality, philosophy and form.

Now, I’ve been practicing Yoga for over 25 years and teaching for 23. Yoga has contributed to my healthy and autonomous pregnancies, as well as peaceful home births and continues to be a daily touchstone in my life.  My movement practice currently weaves all of these modalities as well as the natural forms we take when living instinctually. 

I continue to study many complimentary healing modalities, including nutrition, energy healing, herbalism, feng shui, astrology, the art of natural birth keeping and much more! Since becoming a mother 13 years ago, I have studied instinctual and traditional midwifery with many inspiring indigenous midwives and teachers.

I continue to serve my community and sisterhood in many ways as my life and creativity allow. 

As an advocate for the innate wisdom of women and of our birth right to create and bring forth creative flow in conscious joyfulness, I believe that remembering and protecting the ancient feminine practices of yoga, art, ritual and community will bring about the ultimate peace the world is craving.



Impossible to encapsulate with a single title, I, like all women, am a deep ocean with many currents flowing under the surface. 

My dreams are vivid, my convictions strong. 

I am a mother chosen by two divine daughters.  I am a traditional midwife of over ten years. I am a keeper of sacred women’s circles, where the tradition of storytelling and wisdom of the cosmic laws are preserved. I have a deep reverence for the occult, am a believer in self-led healing, a forever-student, often teacher, writer, singer… 

I turn to plant allies, wise teachers, my altar, and the transformative capacity of my own voice and breath in times of need. 

I am grounded into the earth I live on, I flow with whimsy, and I observe the dominant culture that surrounds me through a critical lens. I feel my way through the world and honour rites of passage for the formative and transformative magic which they hold. 

I choose to take personal responsibility for myself, for my family, and for my community.

You can find my offerings and musings at



My name is Inka Gutierrez, yoga teacher, space holder, personal trainer and world traveler.

I am from Finland and have been living in Costa Rica with my husband and dog and cat for 4 years now.

Yoga is my life.

I have been teaching/ leading 20 courses of 200h Yoga Teacher Training Courses and I have also created a 50h program of YIN yoga Continuing Education with School Yoga Institute.

I am a prenatal yoga instructor and prenatal ytt facilitator.

Yoga is a a healing space and offers a nurturing practice for pregnant women. That is why I encourage pregnant women to try out yoga.

I am not a mother to a human child, but I see all women as mothers to something. I have followed through closely many pregnancies, I am a godmother to 8 children and I have a deep calling to work with pregnant women and guide other women to holdspace for each other. I facilitate the prenatal yyt's with SYI encouraging women to support women, and connect with their healing through womb space.

IG: Inka.inkaflow



I come to the field of women’s health as a mother and a woman. My passion lies in guiding women to awaken their inherent female wisdom, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually along with creating opportunities for women to be in circle with one another. My work focuses on restoring pelvic health, menstrual attunement, self-care education and practices, and providing a safe space for women to tell their story.

I live with my joyous daughter in the magical forest of Cascadel Woods. I spend most of my days swimming in the waterfall, working with clients, creating curriculum for ongoing courses in yoga and women’s health and caring for my family and community.

I am a licensed acupuncturist and Chinese Herbologist in California and nationally. I work with clients in the fields of medical qigong, yoga, meridian therapy and acupuncture and is the co-director of the Bheemashakti Yoga School. I also run a small women’s health practice out of her home in North Fork, CA.



Jean Pullen is a regenerative lifestyle leader.  She has felt called to environmentalism since a young age. In 2017, she moved to Costa Rica to follow her passion for regenerating nature with permaculture and yoga. 

Jean is the best selling author of Regenerate Your Reality, a resource for those who seek regeneration in their lives and in the world. She is a partner of Jungle Project, and a Soil Advocate at Kiss the Ground. In addition, she enjoys sharing her passions through holistic workshops, yoga and regenerative agriculture tours.

Jean lives with her partner, Alan, and their dog, Pata Blanca, on their beautiful jungle farm in Costa Rica. She enjoys gardening, yoga cooking, singing, and making art.



My name is Nadia Palsdottir. Originally from Iceland, living in Brooklyn with one foot in Portugal. I’m a 200 hr yoga teacher, prenatal teacher, classical singer and soon to be a certified nutrition consultant supporting mamas and babies through pregnancy, postpartum and introduction to solids. I’m a first time mamma to baby Nara.

Inspired by my now 95 year old grandparents, who started their yoga practice at the age of 50 and are still doing chair yoga couple of times a week, yoga created a safe space, a home, where I was able to connect with my body, nourish the mind and ground.  

Growing up surrounded by the vast beauty and raw nature of Iceland was a privilege and helped shape me greatly as a person. Spending countless hours exploring caves in lava fields, adapting to unpredictable rough weather, and the unique harmony of fire and ice; brought groundedness, strength, humility and awareness which I now bring to my teachings.

My journey into this work started with my struggles to become pregnant. For a long time I had wanted to become a mamma and that journey along with the Mystical Mama training in Guatemala, inspired me to create and be apart of a community where women hold space, support, educate and are there for other women during pregnancy and postpartum. I had finally found my home, my calling, what I had searched for so long. Pregnancy into motherhood is such a precious magical time that I’m honored to get to be apart of with each and every mamma.